Joseph Simone, Bremen HS assistant principal, charged with sex abuse

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Friday, January 22, 2016
Joseph Simone
Midlothian Police Dept.-WLS

MIDLOTHIAN, Ill. (WLS) -- A suburban high school's assistant principal is now charged with aggravated criminal sexual abuse and aggravated battery after he allegedly touched a student inappropriately.

Police say Joseph Simone touched a 16-year-old girl while showing her "stretching tips" in his office at Bremen High School in Midlothian.

"She, uh, did a couple of stretches. As he continued to work with her, he began to touch her in inappropriate areas," Midlothian Police Chief Harold Kaufman said.

Simone is not a coach. Police said the girl notified other staff members, who contacted the principal and law enforcement.

Simone has been placed on administrative leave.