5-year-old boy mauled by dogs in Jamaica gets new lease on life with surgery in New York City

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Boy mauled by dogs gets new lease on life with NYC surgery
Boy mauled by dogs gets new lease on life with NYC surgeryA little boy from Jamaica who was mauled by a pack of dogs received a special operation over the weekend.

BRONX, New York City -- A little boy from Jamaica who was mauled by a pack of dogs has a new lease on life after a special operation in New York City over the weekend.

Five-year-old Mickele Allen gave a wave from his hospital bed at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, a long way from his home, where he almost died last Sunday.

"He was attacked by six pit bulls on his way home from the candy store," said Dr. Evan Garfein, chief of plastic surgery at Montefiore. "He lost a tremendous amount of blood...He was found by his brother with the dogs still attacking him."

Allen's story made its way to Dr. Garfein, who knew he had to help.

In a matter of days, he raised $250,000 in donations for Allen's medical care, and the hospital helped the boy and his mom secure passports and medical visas.

They took their first plane ride ever Friday night, accompanied by a nurse from Montefiore, and the next morning, Mickele went into a nine-hour surgery.

"He had about 50 to 60% of his scalp torn away," Dr. Garfein said. "Most of his forehead, his left ear, part of his left cheek, major injuries to both arms and both legs."

It will still be a long haul for this little boy with many skin graft and reconstructive surgeries ahead. But mom Shereen Antoinette Grindley says his spirit is already shining through.

"I saw him this morning," she said. "He is recuperating very fast, he is eating, he is talking, he is just amazing, amazing. I'm so overwhelmed."

And the family is grateful to Dr. Garfein and the Montefiore community.

"I'm so happy, where he is coming from and where he is now," Grindley said. "I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

Mickele will turn 6 on December 15, a birthday he can look forward to thanks to the tremendous compassion coming from the Bronx.

Anyone wishing to donate to Allen's case can CLICK HERE, and all contributions will be directed to cover the Inpatient hospital cost as well as treatment costs.

There is a dropdown box under the heading "designation." Please choose "other fund," and then type into the box, "International Department - patient from Jamaica."

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