Officer raised suicide possibility at Gliniewicz shooting scene

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Joseph Gliniewicz is seen in this photo.
Joseph Gliniewicz is seen in this photo.

FOX LAKE, Ill. (WLS) -- The ABC7 I-Team has obtained new documents in the Joe Gliniewicz investigation that show at least one officer at the scene of the shooting thought the Fox Lake police lieutenant might have killed himself.

Gliniewicz was found shot to death on September 1, 2015, touching off a massive manhunt in Lake County.

One officer noted the position of Gliniewicz's right hand as a possible indication of suicide. But that was quickly rejected by a sergeant, who later said he was too "vain" to kill himself.

Someone else thought it was unusual that Gliniewicz would go after three people without backup.

Investigators eventually determined Gliniewicz did kill himself.

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