Ron Magers: The celebrated storyteller

Paul Meincke Image
ByPaul Meincke WLS logo
Monday, May 23, 2016
Ron Magers: The celebrated storyteller
Paul Meincke takes a look at Ron Magers the storyteller - and what a great storyteller he is!

CHICAGO (WLS) -- In the newsroom, we affectionately call him "Uncle Ronnie."

This week, Ron Magers will sign off for the last time, wrapping up a legendary career in television news.

Paul Meincke takes a look at Ron Magers the storyteller - and what a great storyteller he is.

To thrive for half a century in this business requires flawless storytelling and a wicked sense of humor. Magers has both gifts.

"He's the best actor I've ever seen. But he's not an actor. I mean that all comes naturally to him. He has a comedic mind, and incredible timing," said Mark Giangreco, ABC7 sports anchor.

Then come the stories. About anything and everything. They are abundant.

"You can mention any subject and he'll come back with, 'That reminds me of a story in San Francisco in 1978,'" said Jerry Taft, ABC7 meteorologist.

"We actually had a news director in San Francisco who said we were wasting a lot of time and in those days a lot film, and actually asked the photographer when he went to the baseball game why didn't he just shoot the action?" said Magers.

There is a certain mischief in his storytelling.

"Even when he lies to me, I can never figure it out," said Taft.

"He gathers you in and pulls you in with his description of the story and then boom he'll deliver a punch line, and then you're like is that real? Did that really happen? And sometimes he'll go, 'No, but I gotcha,'" said Cheryl Burton, ABC7 anchor

Whether true or gotcha, we bow to the storyteller.

We can tell you that superb recall, and comedic timing are nice things to have, but Ron Magers' arsenal includes much more - like instinct.

He knows when a story has legs and how it should be told straight-up.

Earlier Monday, ABC7 studios were filled with Ron's family and friends, as well as most of his colleagues here at Eyewitness News, for a special lunch celebrating his career.

He received a proclamation from both Governor Bruce Rauner and Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

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