Lincoln Park Zoo lion Myra euthanized

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Myra at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Lincoln Park Zoo

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Myra, an 18-year-old lioness, was euthanized at Lincoln Park Zoo. Officials say she was in declining health.

Myra was brought to the Chicago zoo in 1997 from South Africa. She and a male lion Adelor had three cubs in 1998.

Adelor was euthanized in 2012. After that, Myra shared the main habitat at Kovlar Lion House with 4-year-old Sahar.

"She was the boss when he arrived as a young guy," Lion House curator Mark Kamhout said on the zoo's website, "but he came into his own as he matured and they developed a nice bond."

The average age of lions kept in North American zoos is 16.8 years. Zoo officials said Myra was in good health until recently.

According to the zoo website, Myra was known for her naps in front of the observation window.

The zoo is now looking for a companion for Sahar, as lions are social and live in prides of 2 to 40 in the wild.