Popular porn website opens pop-up store with webcam

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Monday, November 27, 2017
Porn website opens pop-up shop in NYC
A popular porn website company has opened a provocative pop-up shop in New York City, offering sex toys and even a bedroom with livestreaming camera.

NEW YORK -- A popular porn website company has opened a provocative pop-up shop in New York City, offering sex toys and even a bedroom with livestreaming camera.

The website PornHub set up the temporary store, it says, to elevate the brand and try to get away from the image of its product being seen as taboo.

The store sells sex toys, books and T-shirts. It also offers a bed where customers can interact with a camera that is live streaming on the website.

A bouncer makes sure no one under 18 goes inside.

New York tourists offered mixed reactions to the store.

"It's offensive," said one woman. "Because you're exploiting sex."

One tourist said it simply reflects pornography becoming part of mainstream culture.

"It says a lot about the porn industry and the mainstreaming of porn," the male tourist said.

The adult website gets more than 64 million hits a day.

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