President Obama and Michael Jordan can't seem to get along.
It all started on October 30, when Ahmad Rashad was interviewing Jordan on his program. During the interview, the topic shifted to who the basketball legend would like to play golf with. Jordan stated President Obama, but then offered some interesting comments about the Commander-in-Chief's golfing abilities.
"I never played with Obama but I would . . . but no, it's ok, I'd take him out. He's a hack. It'd be all day playing with him," Jordan said on the interview.
Rashad then asked Jordan again on his comments on President Obama's golfing abilities. "I never said he wasn't a great politician, I'm just saying he's a sh***y golfer," Jordan said.
President Obama though offered up his own opinion Jordan's comments. While speaking with Wisconsin radio station WJMR, the president swung the following remarks.
"Mike and I, we know each other but I've never played golf with him. . . . Michael wasn't very well informed about this, he might have just been trying to get Ahmad an extra ratings boost on the show. But there is no doubt that Michael is a better golfer than I am. But of course if I was playing twice a day for the last 15 years then that might not be the case. He might want to spend more time thinking about the Bobcats, or maybe the Hornets because that's a whole another issue."
Jordan is currently the majority owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets (formerly known as the Charlotte Bobcats,) who currently hold a 1-3 record. The franchise has never won an NBA divisional title, conference championship, or league championship. Jordan and President Obama both share strong ties with the city of Chicago, where Jordan was a star player for the Bulls, and where the president held several other political positions before taking the Oval Office.
However, President Obama noted that despite MJ's claims on his golfing abilities, the two are still friends.
"I love the man though, he brought us a lot of championships. He does like talking trash sometimes even when he doesn't know what he's talking about."
Click here to listen to President Obama's full interview with WJMR.