Man flies across country to attend bachelor party he was accidentally invited to

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Sunday, January 20, 2019
Man accidentally invited to bachelor party flies across the country to attend
Man accidentally invited to bachelor party flies across the country to attend. Gray Hall reports during Action News at 9 a.m. on January 20, 2019.

It's the bachelor party invitation mistake that ended up with a new friendship.

Two men, both are named Will Novak.

One lives in Arizona, the other in New York.

The party planner, Devan Onello, was running out of time so he sent invitations to his brother's bachelor party ski getaway via email.

But he made a single typo, and ended up sending an invitation to the wrong Will Novak.

Novak, a total stranger to everyone in the group, quickly responded.

"My email was kind of like, 'Hey guys, I live in Arizona, Vermont is a very long way away, I don't know how to ski -- all that said count me in, I'm there, I'm there for my man Angelo, I love Angelo,'" Novak said.

Since it was last minute, Novak needed a little help paying for the trip, so he turned to GoFundMe.

Within hours, he reached his goal to travel to Vermont.

He is there right now enjoying a bachelor's weekend with a group of new friends, including one who shares his name.

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