On Tuesday, Brat James auditioned for the UniverSoul Circus in Washington Park. The troop is looking for next year's dancers.
"It's been a dream from like when I was 5-years old," James said. "So like if I get into the circus that would be like off my ... What is it? Bucket list."
James, a Columbia College student, dreams of dancing in the big time -- somewhere. Right now the UniverSoul Circus may be her chance.
"We're looking for originality. We're looking for lines. I'm looking for passion," UniverSoul choreographer Vick Carter said.
"We're looking for electrifying personalities," UniverSoul casting director Angela Dunlap said.
"They have to have 'it'. They got to have 'it'," Carter said.
"They have to have 'it,' absolutely. The 'it' factor is definitely a must," Dunlap said.
So what is "it" -- and does James have "it?"
"She has a chance. She has a good chance. She was great. I've dealt with people that didn't get past the first two counts on the choreography," Carter said.
James should know within 30 days if she can run away and join the circus.