Chris Dorner timeline: Couple held captive speaks


  • Wednesday - Feb. 13 [8 p.m.]: The couple held captive in a Big Bear cabin by Chris Dorner spoke out about the frightening encounter. It was originally reported that the victims were two housekeepers, a mother and daughter, but it was actually Karen and Jim Reynolds, owners of Mountain Vista Resort. The Reynolds had entered a vacant unit and surprised the fugitive who was hiding out. They said Dorner bound and gagged them, then pulled pillowcases over their heads. He repeatedly told them he wouldn't kill them and only had a dispute with the LAPD. "He said, 'I don't have a problem with you, I just want to clear my name,'" Jim Reynolds said. After Dorner fled with their vehicle, the Reynolds managed to remove and call 911 with Karen's cellphone, which Dorner left behind on a table.

  • Wednesday - Feb. 13 [4 p.m.]: The San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputy killed in a shootout Tuesday with a man believed to be Chris Dorner was identified as Jeremiah MacKay, a detective and 15-year veteran of the department. "This is truly another sad day for law enforcement. Our department is grieving from this event. It's just a terrible deal for all of us, " San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said during a press conference. He also discussed the tactic to drive Dorner out of the Big Bear-area cabin, which resulted in flames. He said deputies shot pyrotechnic tear gas, commonly referred to as "burners," into the cabin and a fire erupted, but they did not intentionally burn down the cabin to get Dorner out.

  • Wednesday - Feb. 13 [10:30 a.m.]: A funeral service was held for Riverside Police Officer Michael Crain, who was killed in an alleged ambush attack by Dorner last week. The emotional service was held at Grove Community Church in Riverside. Crain was an 11-year veteran of the department and also served two tours in Kuwait as a U.S. Marine. The 34-year-old leaves behind a wife, 10-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter. Loved ones described Crain as a selfless friend and dedicated family man.

  • Wednesday - Feb. 13 [8:05 a.m.]: In a morning news conference, LAPD Lt. Andy Neiman said the LAPD is back to normal operations, but some protective details remain in place. Neiman also said the charred body in the cabin has not been positively identified.

  • Wednesday - Feb. 13 [6:45 a.m.]: An official briefed on the investigation told the Associated Press that a wallet with a California driver's license with the name Christopher Dorner has been found in the rubble of a cabin.

  • Tuesday - Feb. 12 [11:30 p.m.]: A charred human body has been found in the rubble of the burned-out cabin where fugitive Chris Dorner was believed to have been barricaded, a sheriff's spokeswoman said late Tuesday. The identity of the remains, however, was still unclear. 'Identification will be attempted through forensic means,' a San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department press release said.

  • Tuesday - Feb. 12 [8 p.m.]: LAPD Cmdr. Andy Smith denies reports of a body recovered at a charred cabin. "I'm not sure where this information is coming from or how it's being attributed to the Los Angeles Police Department," Smith said.

  • Tuesday - Feb. 12: A body, believed to be that of Chris Dorner, has been recovered from a burned cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains, ABC News confirms. Officials say a suspect they believe to be Dorner was involved in a shootout with police at the location before the structure burst into flames. Just before 4:30 p.m., authorities confirmed that one officer was killed and another was injured. Officials also confirmed that a single gunshot was heard coming from inside the cabin just before the blaze broke out. They said several more shots were heard afterward, and that the flames were possibly setting off ammunition stored inside.

  • Tuesday - Feb. 12 [12:45 p.m.]: A California Department of Fish and Wildlife officer traveling Highway 38 saw a man who looked like Dorner driving a vehicle, the CDFW said. It said the officer pursued the suspect and that a shooting ensued. The officer's vehicle was shot many times but no officers were injured. The suspect escaped on foot. Officials said the suspect was likely driving a vehicle he stole after burglarizing a different cabin earlier in the day and holding two women hostage. One was able to escape and make a call. Authorities responded to the location and gave chase when Dorner fled in the stolen vehicle.

  • Tuesday - Feb. 12 [11 a.m.]: The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a motion to add $100,000 to the reward. The County Board of Supervisors and the Riverside City Council are also considering an additional $100,000 each, and the Riverside County supervisors are also hoping to add another $100,000, which would bring the total to an unprecedented $1.4 million.

  • Tuesday - Feb. 12 [morning]: A federal law enforcement source confirmed to ABC News that surveillance video of a man buying scuba gear at a Sport Chalet in Torrance on Feb. 1, two days before the killings, was Chris Dorner. The video was obtained by TMZ on Monday. Investigators are also looking into reports that Dorner checked into a Manhattan Beach hotel and wrote his manifesto there.

  • Monday - Feb. 11 [evening]: A hotel in Tijuana was raided in search for Chris Dorner. He was not found. In an affidavit filed by the U.S. Marshals Service and obtained by Eyewitness News, the agency says, "there is probable cause to believe that Dorner has moved and traveled ... from California to Mexico with the intent to avoid prosecution." However, there have been no confirmed sightings of Dorner crossing the border or of him inside Mexico.

  • Monday - Feb. 11 [afternoon]: Riverside County District Attorney Paul Zellerbach filed charges against Chris Dorner in the murder of Riverside police officer Michael Crain. Zellerbach's office also filed three counts of attempted murder. The charges would make Dorner eligible for the death penalty.

  • Sunday - Feb. 10 [afternoon]: The Riverside Police Department released the name of the officer who was shot and killed in an early-morning ambush Feb. 7. That officer, 34-year-old Mike Crain, was an 11-year veteran of the RPD. He was also a Marine who served two tours in Kuwait.

  • Sunday - Feb. 10 [1 p.m.]: A joint task force offered a $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest of Chris Dorner. The announcement was made by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa at a press conference at LAPD Headquarters. Police Chief Charlie Beck said that to the force's knowledge, the $1 million reward is the largest local reward ever offered.

  • Sunday - Feb. 10 [11:46 a.m.]: Los Angeles County Supervisors Michael D. Antonovich and Mark Ridley-Thomas announced they're offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to Dorner's capture. According to a press release, the motion will be introduced on Tuesday during the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors.

  • Sunday - Feb. 10 [6:20 a.m.]: Investigators say they plan to announce a reward for Dorner's capture at a news conference at LAPD headquarters in downtown Los Angeles at 1 p.m.

  • Saturday - Feb. 9 [11 p.m.]: Transportation officials are warning California airports that Dorner has some flight training and may try to take an aircraft. They're also on the lookout for people masquerading as pilots or emergency personnel. Dorner also had access to military and police uniforms.

  • Saturday - Feb. 9 [6 p.m.]: ABC News has learned that a man claiming to be Dorner called the father of one murder victim, chastising him for not doing enough to protect his daughter. According to court documents obtained by ABC news, the caller phoned the father of Irvine murder victim Monica Quan. Randy Quan is himself a former LAPD officer turned lawyer. He represented Dorner in his failed lawsuit against the LAPD. The call was made four days after Monica Quan's murder and just 11 hours after a Riverside officer was killed.

  • Saturday - Feb. 9 [5:30 p.m.]: New surveillance video shows a man believed to be Dorner dumping items in a garbage bin, including an ammo magazine and a military belt. It was taken Monday, one day after the murders of Quan and her fiancé, outside an auto parts shop in National City, south of San Diego.

  • Saturday - Feb. 9 [5:30 p.m.]: During a late afternoon press conference, authorities announced a joint task force comprised of the Los Angeles, Irvine and Riverside police departments, the FBI and U.S. Marshals, and other affiliated law enforcement agencies in their search for Chris Dorner. It was also announced that the LAPD would reopen the investigation into Dorner's firing.

  • Saturday - Feb. 9 [About 2 p.m.]: Eyewitness News learned that weapons were found in Chris Dorner's burned truck in Big Bear. Sources also said that Dorner had a storage locker in Buena Park. A search warrant was served at the storage facility during the early morning hours.

  • Saturday - Feb. 9 [7 a.m.]: Authorities begin day three of their search for Chris Dorner in Big Bear. Snowfall halted plans for an overnight search Friday, but weather conditions improved Saturday, possibly aiding the manhunt. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said that until they find some kind of evidence that Dorner is in fact not in the Big Bear area, they will continue to search for him.

  • Friday - Feb. 8 [Sundown]: Amid fears that Chris Dorner is leading them on a wild goose chase, investigators combing the Big Bear area in which the suspect's burned vehicle was found wrapped up their search for the day. Authorities had initially planned to canvass the region overnight but said they changed course because of safety concerns about severe winter weather in the area. Before shutting down Friday, police had followed several possible leads, including footprints and ski tracks in the snow that they later determined to be unrelated to the manhunt.

  • Friday - Feb. 8 [About 5:45 p.m.]: The California NAACP urged Chris Dorner to turn himself in under the protection of the NAACP. "The police have already in a vigilante state of mind, assaulted and shot at a white truck with two innocent women inside. How many more look-alike cars will be shot at before this disastrous situation is brought under control. It is our hope that Mr. Dorner will turn himself in under the aegis of the NAACP so that we can help provide safe passage, ensuring due process of law for Mr. Dorner, and most importantly, calm the situation," Alice Huffman, president of the California/Hawaii Conference of the NAACP, said in a statement.

  • Friday - Feb. 8 [Noon]: After issuing a search warrant at noon, Irvine police combed through the La Pama house belonging to Chris Dorner's mother. Investigators removed from the home seven grocery bags of evidence but it was not known what was in the satchels. A neighbor said he saw Dorner at the residence a week ago.

  • Friday - Feb. 8 [Noon]: The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., along with the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, issues the following plea to suspected cop killer Chris Dorner.

    "Dear Christopher Dorner;

    Apparently you have been wounded by your past experiences of what you have stated in losing your job. I understand your feelings of being hurt. I'm making a plea to you to stop spreading the pain, the hurt and the fear. Please stop don't take anymore lives.

    Christopher, your mother is in pain and concerned for your safety. There are many good and creditable people in Los Angeles, like The Los Angeles Sentinel's Executive Publisher/CEO Danny J. Bakewell Sr., Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Kenneth Ulmer and Rev. Charles Singleton. These individuals I know personally and they would gladly receive you. Whatever I can do without hesitation please contact me through Danny Bakewell at the L.A. Sentinel.

    Reverend Jesse L. Jackson Sr."

  • Friday - Feb. 8 [About 11 a.m.]: The Los Angeles Police Department canceled and then reinstated a tactical alert aimed at protecting police officers and their loved ones from Chris Dorner. The move came about the same time the department locked down the Twin Towers Correctional Facility at 450 Bauchet St. amid reports that someone matching Dorner's description was seen in the area. Police closed the street directly in front of the facility and were not allowing anyone in or out of the arraignment center. Dorner was not located.

  • Friday - Feb. 8 [10:22 a.m.]: The Big Bear Lake Resort Association releases statement regarding manhunt. "Big Bear Lake Resort Association is pleased to know law enforcement authorities continue to search for multiple murder suspect Chris Dorner in the Big Bear area. The announcement at the most recent press conference given by San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon announced that the two top priorities are to keep deputies and the community of Big Bear safe. The most recent press conference has given the Big Bear community more assurance to keep Big Bear open for business. Big Bear will remain open until law enforcement authorities can confirm Dorner is still in the area or not. At that time Big Bear Lake Resort Association will reassess the situation for business."

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [9:30 p.m.]: In a 9 p.m. news conference, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Spokeswoman Cindy Bachman said local schools were expected to reopen Friday morning. The ski resort was also expected to reopen Friday morning. Bachman said there were no reports of any sightings of the suspect. No stolen vehicles were reported in the area. Bachman advised local residents not to answer their door unless they know they visitor, or if the visitor is a uniformed law enforcement official. Bachman said the search would continue into the night. Dogs and helicopters with infrared cameras were part of the search.

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [5:30 p.m.]: At a 5:30 p.m. news conference, McMahon told reporters that tracks were found near the vehicle and were followed, but they did not lead to the suspect. He said snow on the ground was helpful in the search, and that dogs being used in the search were not affected by the weather and ground conditions. McMahon said about 125 law enforcement officers were involved in the search, including tracking in the woods and going door to door in the community. He said the search would continue "as long as we can, weather permitting."

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [4 p.m.]: FBI SWAT teams and local police serve a search warrant at a Las Vegas-area home belonging to Dorner. Authorities leave with boxes of items from the two-story house. They say no weapons were found but decline to disclose what was discovered.

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [3:30 p.m.]: In a news conference in the Big Bear area, San Bernardino County Assistant Sheriff John McMahon said law enforcement personnel were searching the wooded area around where the truck was found, as well as going door to door to check on occupied and unoccupied residences and structures. He said at least 15 to 20 additional officers would be patrolling the community around the clock until further notice. Roadway checkpoints were also set up in the area.

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [Noon]: A burning truck was located in the woods near Big Bear Lake. The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department confirmed later that the vehicle is Dorner's Nissan Titan. No one was in the truck.

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [5:30 a.m.]: LAPD officers were patrolling a Torrance neighborhood to guard a target from Dorner's manifesto. They opened fire on a car they mistook for Dorner's and injured two uninvolved civilians. One injured civilian suffered a minor bullet wound, and the second civilian was shot twice and reported in stable condition.

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [2:30 a.m.]: A passer-by found a wallet with an LAPD badge and a picture ID of Dorner on a street near San Diego International Airport. The items were turned over to police.

  • Thursday - Feb. 7 [1:30 a.m.]: Two LAPD officers were in Corona to check on one of the individuals named in Dorner's manifesto when they came across a pickup truck that looked similar to Dorner's. The officers ran the license plate and found that it did not match the vehicle. They started to follow the truck when the gunman opened fire with what appeared to be a rifle, officials said. One officer was grazed in the forehead but was expected to be OK. A short time later, a gunman believed to be Dorner ambushed two Riverside police officers stopped at a red light during a routine patrol at Magnolia and Arlington avenues. One officer was killed and the other wounded. That injured Riverside officer underwent surgery and was reported to be in stable condition.

  • Ex-LAPD Officer Chris Dorner manifesto: Read it now

  • Wednesday - Feb. 6 : LAPD announced Dorner as a suspect in the Irvine double murder. Investigators said Dorner implicated himself in the killings in a multi-page manifesto he posted on his Facebook page. That night, a man fitting Dorner's description tried to steal a boat from a San Diego marina. He was unable to steal the boat and instead fled. Authorities say an 81-year-old man on the boat was tied up but not hurt.

  • Monday - Feb. 4 : Some of Dorner's belongings were found in a trash bin in the San Diego-area community of National City, Calif.

  • Sunday - Feb. 3 : The bodies of Keith Lawrence, 27, and his fiancee Monica Quan, 28, were found in a car in the parking lot of their apartment complex in Irvine Sunday night. Police identified the suspect as Dorner. Quan was in her second year as assistant coach of the women's basketball team at California State University, Fullerton. Her father represented Dorner in disciplinary hearings that resulted in Dorner's dismissal.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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