Hulk headed to Northlake Public Library

June 10, 2013 (NORTHLAKE, Ill.)

Northlake Public Library was trying to raise money with a indiegogo fundraising page to buy a Hulk statue and build a larger graphic novel collection. However, a boxing club in California saw what the library was trying to do- and decided to donate their Hulk statue to the library.

The 9-foot statue is wearing boxing gloves, but they'll come off before the Hulk arrives in Northlake.

Why The Hulk? The indiegogo site reads, "Just as Dr. Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk, we want our library community members to make their own personal transformations through books, programs, and awesome new equipment. This larger-than-life literary character will become a giant green beacon of light to highlight our graphic novel collection, our creation station…not to mention the library's sense of humor and whimsy."

The money raised through indiegogo, about $4,200, will now go toward the graphic novel collection- and help build a digital creation lab.

Northlake Library hopes the Hulk statue will inspire more people to visit the library- and get children to read.

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