Sheriff cancels Valentine's Day as ice slams Georgia

February 14, 2014 (ATLANTA)

Sheriff Scott Berry in Oconee County took to Facebook to announce his decision after an ice storm slammed Georgia on Wednesday.

Men, he wrote, "are exempt from having to run out and buy lottery scratchers and Hershey bars from the corner stores" until Tuesday.

The post was in fun and was shared more than 1,500 times. But it angered a man who called the sheriff's office Friday from a Michigan area code to protest the decision, saying snow up north isn't a big deal.

"You're not a mayor," the caller said, according to the Oconee County Sheriff's Facebook page.

"He wanted us to know that two feet of snow is nothing and that it happens all the time. We pointed out that it doesn't happen in Georgia all the time," the county poined out. "He kept on until we asked him if he realized it was a joke. Then he got mad about that."

"Anyone with good pictures of from the snow/ice, please post them on the page. ABC news would like to see why Valentine's Day was cancelled," the sheriff's Facebook posted Thursday.

The sheriff made it clear, Valentine's Day 2014 was canceled "from a line North of I-16 to the Georgia/Tennessee border."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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