FBI warns about consequences of posting threats online

Friday, September 22, 2017
FBI warns about consequences of posting threats online
The FBI want you to think before you post.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The FBI wants people to think about what they post online before sending it out to the world.

It's the focus a new public service announcement from the FBI Chicago that includes a firsthand account from a local college student who posted a threat online two years ago.

Jabari Dean, 21, will forever rue the day he posted an online threat to shoot students and police at the University of Chicago where he was studying engineering.

In the tumultuous days following the release of the Laquan McDonald shooting video, he was upset. But his words caused the University of Chicago to shut down for a day.

Dean got off a serious charge of uttering death threats, but he was kicked out of school and now barely can find work.

The FBI and the U.S. Attorney's office recognized Dean had no intention to carry out his threat.

To keep a clean legal record he must complete 100 hours of community service, which includes telling his cautionary tale as part of a new FBI public service announcement, "Think Before You Post."

"We can cut down on the number of these threats because we have to share the cautionary tales and we appreciate his cooperation," said FBI Chicago Special Agent in Chicago Michael Anderson.

With the web awash in threats of all kinds, Anderson said "keyboard courage" isn't cheap.

"It is an act of terror to frighten people and to make people uncomfortable," said Anderson.

"I'm incredibly sorry. Very sorry for the whole- just everything," said Jabari Dean.

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