Coronavirus Chicago: Mayor Lightfoot reveals what city needs to do to enter next phase of reopening

ByCate Cauguiran and ABC 7 Chicago Digital Team WLS logo
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Coronavirus Chicago: Mayor Lightfoot reveals what city needs to do to enter next phase of reopening
Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the plan to reopen Chicago will be a slow and calculated process, one the city has specifically tailored to the needs of residents, with an initial focus

CHICAGO (WLS) -- In a virtual speech to the Economic Club of Chicago Wednesday afternoon, Mayor Lori Lightfoot offered more details as the city prepares to move onto the next phase of it's "Protect Chicago" reopening plan.

Mayor Lightfoot said the plan to reopen Chicago will be a slow and calculated process, driven by science and the public. The plan is specifically tailored to the needs of residents, with an initial focus on essential workers.

"Reopening will be like slowly turning on a dimmer - not flipping a light-switch," she explained. "Our reopening process only works if we're stopping the spread of the disease."

Coronavirus in Illinois: Latest news on COVID-19 cases, Chicago area impact

The city is now preparing to reopen and expand business operations in Chicago, but with the caveat that the plan is dependent on residents complying with public health guidelines.

"Phase Three is a limited re-opening with some non-essential workers coming back, and certain businesses, non-profits, and City entities opening under strict conditions," Lightfoot said.

The sequenced reopening will eventually allow for parks and libraries to reopen, but don't make plans to hit the lakefront anytime soon.

When these workers return, they can expect a new normal, including: possible temperature checks at office entrances, barriers between desks and wearing face masks at all times. The city is now preparing to send reopening guidelines to business owners.

"These guidelines will cover everything from capacity restrictions, protective equipment, hygiene and testing," Lightfoot said.

The sequenced reopening will eventually allow for parks and libraries to reopen, but don't make plans to hit the lakefront anytime soon.

The mayor said each phased move will require a decline in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, increased testing, and the public following health orders.

The plan to reopen Chicago will be a slow and calculated process with an initial focus on essential workers.

"Health is what got us into this, and health is what will get us out," Lightfoot said. "None of us want to see us taking steps back. Reopening could lead to re-closing if we are not patient, smart and diligent."

Mayor Lightfoot also warned the city could still be managing outbreaks over the next six to 12 months so the public's attention to the stay-at-home order and social distancing will be key to moving forward.

WATCH: Mayor Lightfoot announces 'Protecting Chicago' reopening plan

Mayor Lori Lightfoot's detailed the city's five-phase "Protecting Chicago" reopening plan Friday.

The "Protecting Chicago" framework comprises five phases, and Chicago has already transitioned from phase one (Strict Stay-at-Home) to phase two (Stay-at-Home):

Mayor Lori Lightfoot unveiled her multi-phase plan to reopen Chicago, eventually.

PHASE ONE: STRICT STAY-AT-HOME - Limit the amount of contact with others; goal is to limit interactions to rapidly slow the spread of COVID-19

  • Essential workers go to work; everyone else works from home

  • Stay at home and limit going out to essential activities only

  • Physically distance from anyone you do not live with, especially vulnerable friends and family

  • ZIP CODE TRACKER: Where is coronavirus in Illinois?

    PHASE TWO: STAY-AT-HOME - Guard against unsafe interactions with others; goal is to continue flattening the curve while safely being outside

  • Essential workers go to work; everyone else works from home

  • Stay at home as much as possible

  • Wear a face covering while outside your home

  • Physically distance from anyone you do not live with, especially vulnerable friends and family

  • PHASE THREE: CAUTIOUSLY REOPEN - Strict physical distancing with some businesses opening; goal is to thoughtfully begin to reopen Chicago safely

  • Non-essential workers begin to return to work in a phased way

  • Select businesses, non-profits, city entities open with demonstrated, appropriate protections for workers and customers

  • When meeting others, physically distance and wear a face covering

  • Non-business, social gatherings limited to less than 10 persons

  • Phased, limited public amenities begin to open

  • Stay at home if you feel ill or have come into contact with someone with COVID-19

  • Continue to physically distance from vulnerable populations

  • Get tested if you have symptoms

  • Restore Illinois: 5-phase reopening plan by Governor Pritzker splits IL into 4 regions

    PHASE FOUR: GRADUALLY RESUME - Continued staggered reopening into a new normal; goal is to further reopen Chicago while ensuring the safety of residents

  • Additional business and capacity restrictions are lifted with appropriate safeguards

  • Additional public amenities open

  • Continue to wear face covering and physically distance

  • Continue to distance and allow vulnerable residents to shelter

  • Get tested if you have symptoms or think you have had COVID-19

  • PHASE FIVE: PROTECT - Continue to protect vulnerable populations; goal is to continue to maintain safety until COVID-19 is contained

  • All businesses open

  • Non-vulnerable individuals can resume working

  • Most activities resume with health safety in place

  • Some events can resume

  • Set up screenings and tests at work or with your family

  • Sign up for a vaccine on the COVID Coach web portal
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