Rod Blagojevich sends wife anniversary letter from jail

Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich wrote a letter to his wife Patti on their 24th wedding anniversary

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich wrote a letter to his wife Patti on their 24th wedding anniversary telling her that he'll never treat it as anything less than a national holiday.

She posted the letter on Facebook, saying she thinks it applies to everyone:

"Dear Patti,
Well here we are. It is now the third anniversary of me not being home to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It is so unfair, so wrong, yet maybe that's what I get for being so cavalier about things like this when I could have properly celebrated our special day when I had the chance. I have learned my lesson. Never again will I treat our wedding anniversary as anything less than a national holiday. A day off; a day to celebrate; a day to make a big deal about. And why shouldn't I. After all, next to the birth of our children, marrying you and the day it occurred, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for walking through life with me. I'm sorry the journey has been so bad for so long. The end of this nightmare must surely be near. And I intend to use our new beginning to devote the same attention and energy I used in other things to making our world together more meaningful, especially by paying attention to the so called "little things"--- the things I have learned are, in a real sense, things that truly mean the most in the world. Like the love, respect, and high regard I have for you. I hope this day brings you some measure of joy. God willing, and it all goes as we believe and as it should, I am determined to make your happiness as much a priority as working to build a better life for our family. Maybe this long, dark nightmare is a blessing in disguise. Among the many lessons to be learned from it all is that life is so fragile. Without warning and with no apparent reason, what you thought would always be available suddenly disappears. The lesson therefore, is seize the moment when it's there, and don't put off the happy things for later because there may not be there later. I love you Honey. I miss you. Thank you for being my wife. Thank you for being the mother to our children Thank you for all the good times together. Thank you for the love you've given me. Please kiss my babies for me. Love, Rod xxooxxooxxooxxoo"

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