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Last updated: Thursday, May 16, 2024 5:41PM GMT

Defense attorney Todd Blanche accused Michael Cohen of lying about a phone call Cohen testified he had with Donald Trump on Oct. 24, 2016.

Blanche read texts between Cohen and Trump aide Keith Schiller on that date, in which Cohen asked Schiller, "Who can I speak to about harassing calls to my phone and office?"

According to Blanche, Schiller asked Cohen to call him at 8:02 p.m.

"This is the call that you testified about on Tuesday that you had a conversation with President Trump?" Blanche said.

Cohen, who testified on Tuesday that he had called Schiller to speak with Trump, agreed.

Nearly shouting, Blanche alleged that Cohen lied during his testimony on Tuesday.

"That was a lie," said Blanche, adding that Cohen texted Schiller the phone number of the 14-year-old prank caller at 8:04 p.m.

"Part of it was the 14-year-old, but I knew that Keith was with Trump at the time," Cohen responded.

"That was a lie. You did not talk to President Trump that night," Blanche said, raising his voice. "You can admit it."

"No sir, I can't," Cohen said. "Because I'm not sure that's accurate."

"This jury doesn't want to hear what you think happened," Blanche said.

Trump, at the defense table, appeared engaged and furrowed his eyebrows.

The jury was then shown text messages from that evening between Cohen and Schiller, which Blanche suggested prosecutors omitted from their exhibit.

"Mr. Cohen, you just said that you don't recall a phone call ... on Tuesday you testified that you remembered the phone call," Blanche shouted, again growing animated and speaking quickly.

Cohen stood by his testimony, saying he spoke to both Trump and Schiller.

"Based upon what was going on and based upon the other messages regarding the Stormy Daniels matter, yes I believe I was telling the truth," Cohen said.

Judge Merchan subsequently recessed the court for lunch.