CHICAGO (WLS) -- A likely-pregnant beaver spotted in Chicago has captivated the hearts of social media.
Non-profit Urban Rivers said they set up cameras along the Southwest Side to study the beavers in the Chicago River.
Cameras caught an "especially plump" beaver roaming near Pilsen, Bridgeport and McKinley Park.
Urban Rivers said they took to social media to help name their new furry friend.
"Tons of people have been submitting their ideas and I think it's really fun because it's getting the community really involved and invested in this animal," Urban Rivers Wildlife Biologist Sammie Clark said.
Clark explained they have been tracking a female in the same area that had some kits, and believe she is expecting again.
Some top name contenders on Reddit include "Lori Heavyfoot," "Southside Large Marge," "Dam Ryan," and "DuSable Dammer."
Clark said some of her favorites are "Rotundra" "Segorne Bever," and "Beve Irwin."
The winning name will be announced whenever the mother beaver gives birth, assuming this is a pregnancy.