Biden addresses poor debate performance, attacks Trump at Raleigh rally

"I don't debate as well as I used to," he said.

ByMichelle Stoddart and Ivan Pereira ABCNews logo
Friday, June 28, 2024 7:54PM
Animated Biden holds rally hours after faltering debate performance
Speaking for 18 minutes, Biden repeatedly appeared far more animated than his showing the night before, and he excoriated Trump for his "lies" and campaign aimed at "revenge and retribution."

President Joe Biden on Friday addressed his poor performance in Thursday's presidential debate, just hours after he faltered on stage in his matchup against former President Donald Trump.

A senior campaign aide told ABC News that the president is "absolutely" not considering dropping out of the race after stumbling with answers and is committed to a second debate. During the rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, a more energetic-appearing Biden acknowledged that he's not a young man, but contended that his morals and history prove that he's still fit for the job.


Joe Biden Friday held a campaign rally Friday after Thursday night's presidential debate designed to follow up on an expected strong performance. Watch the full speech.

"Folks, I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but ... I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong, and I know how to do this job," he told the roaring crowd. "I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up."

The crowd constantly shouted "Four more years," during the event which also included remarks from first lady Jill Biden

Biden spent much of the rally pointing out what he called Trump's false claims during the debate about the economy, immigration and crime.

"I spent 90 minutes on stage debating a guy with the morals of an alley cat," Biden said repeating a zinger from the debate. "I think he set a new record for the number of lies told at a debate."

Biden dug in further bringing up Trump's conviction in a New York criminal court and pending criminal and civil trials.

Biden also reiterated that Trump helped to end abortion rights for women across the country and contended that the former president and "MAGA Republicans" would push forward a national abortion ban.

SEE ALSO: Next Biden-Trump presidential debate will be in September on ABC

5 takeaways from striking Biden-Trump presidential debate

"I made it clear last night you reelect me and Kamala [Harris] we will make Roe v. Wade the law of the land," he said.

Jill Biden, who wore a dress with the word "vote" written all over it, also defended his performance.

"What you saw last night on the debate stage was Joe Biden, a president with integrity and character who told the truth," she said. "And Donald Trump told lie after lie after lie."

Biden told reporters immediately after the debate that he had a sore throat and didn't have concerns about his performance.

"It's hard to debate a liar," he said.

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President Joe Biden's halting debate performance has led some in his own party to begin questioning whether he should be replaced on the ballot before November.

When the president and first lady landed in Raleigh early Friday morning they were greeted at the tarmac by prominent North Carolina Democrats, including State Senate Minority Leader Dan Blue, and about 250 supporters.

Biden spent time speaking with the supporters and took photos with them before he left the airport.

Following the Raleigh rally, the president was headed to New York City to deliver remarks at the grand opening ceremony of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center, the first LGBTQIA+ visitor center within the National Park system.

Biden will end his day with a closed-door campaign reception in New York.

ABC News' MaryAlice Parks contributed to this report.