VIDEO: Students nearly hit by speeding SUV while getting on school bus

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Speeding SUV narrowly misses children
The students were about to board their school bus when the speeding SUV narrowly missed striking them

GRAHAM, Wash. -- A close call on the side of a street nearly injured students as they boarded their school bus. And that's left their parents shaking with anger.

Investigators are looking for the driver of an SUV who almost hit three school children in Washington state. The close call was caught on the school bus surveillance cameras.

The SUV sped around the stopped school bus, driving on the shoulder of the road. The whole incident happened too quickly for the parents standing nearby to read a license plate number.

Mother Brandy Wheeler said, "When we knew our kids were okay the anger set in, I took off running. I was partway down this hill."

School officials say the bus driver didn't do anything wrong. No one was hurt.