Chicagoans enjoy spring in January

CHICAGO Winter has sprung in Chicago. January 20, 1985, is known for another weather record- of frost-biting cold. On that day, the mercury fell to a record low of 27-degrees below zero. That's 90-degrees colder.

" Wonderful," said Moon and Kathy Kim. "It's springtime. Fantastic weather for golf."

The Marovitz Park District golf course on the city's North Side is open year-round as long as there's no snow.

"Incredible," said Juan Rivera, warm weather golfer. "I woke up in the morning and said, 'What a beautiful day for golfing.'"

Take advantage! That's what you have to do with fabulous thaws. After all January is a very short golf season.

"That's why I'm out here now. It's going to be horrible. I have a feeling," said Mark Patterson, Chicago weather pessimist.

While it's easy to be pessimistic, it's better to be grateful- and consider it a gift.

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