Sizzle into Summer: Healthy Grilling

Tips for grilling vegetables:
  • Buy locally - vegetables in season and grown locally have advantages to those that are shipped from far away
  • Preparation - Expose as much surface area as possible to get as much direct contact with the grate as possible
  • Oil - vegetables need good oil to prevent sticking or burning. Grillers can use canola however extra virgin olive oil improves the flavor of almost every vegetable
  • Basting - baste some vegetables with oil now and then to keep them moist. Vegetable have a lot of water that can evaporate quickly on a hot grill
  • Temperature - Almost all veggies cook best over direct medium heat which is about 350 to 450 degrees on the grills thermometer
Weber and Jamie are concentrating on an education effort to help people cook and grill healthier foods. To help drive this effort, Jamie and registered dietician and author, Monique Ryan has developed a free guide which includes information on how to choose what's right for your diet and lifestyle. The 36-page guide covers topical subjects that include why food choices are important and their connection to better health and disease prevention; portion control; tips on safe grilling for lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruit; and nutritional analysis charts for favorite foods.

For more information visit or 1-800-GRILL-OUT.

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