Convicted Ill. drunk drivers must have car breathalyzers

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. To kick off this year's Fourth of July "You Drink, You Drive, You Lose" campaign, state transportation officials unveiled the "Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device" Monday. The device tests the driver's breath for alcohol and prevents the car from starting if the driver fails.

Illinois is only the second state to require the devices to be installed on cars of first-time offenders.

To drive home the point of drinking and driving dangers, a Springfield radio DJ volunteered to do a sobriety test.

"It's a sad, sad reality that you think you can do one thing, but the reality is that you have no idea what you can really do," said Bondsy, Springfield DJ.

If an offender is caught driving a car without the device, the offender could face felony charges with a minimum of 30 days in jail.

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