National Guard troops get Aurora send-off

The soldiers are members of Charlie troop, 2nd Squadron, 106th Cavalry, and they will train and mentor the Afghan national police. They soldiers also will join approximately 30 other units of the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team to conduct counter-insurgency operations as part of what the military is calling "Task Force Phoenix Eight." <

Some of the soldiers said days like Saturday are bittersweet.

"The soldiers are celebrating the commitment they've made, but its also sour. We're going to be spending a lot of time away from our families for the next year," said Capt. Nathan Westby.

"It'll be a long hard year, but a really happy homecoming when he comes home," said Barbara Feudo, whose husband is a soldier.

Saturday's Aurora event was one of three send-offs for 106th Cavalry in Illinois. There were similar deployment ceremonies in Dixon and Pontiac.

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