'Fast Forward' into the future at MSI

At the Museum of Science and Industry, the future is here today. A new exhibit called "Fast Forward" is open to the public.

Fast forward is an interesting visit to the creative minds of scientists, musicians and other geniuses who are never satisfied with today's world. They're always asking, 'What if? What if we could live to a thousand? What if a robot could know what we're thinking? It's an exhibit of twelve different innovative ideas.

"It celebrates the creative spirit of people who are doing groundbreaking work today that's going to build our future tomorrow," said Kathleen McCarthy, Museum's Director of Collections.

Some of the ideas here are very serious-- like solving the energy problem. Others are just plain fun-- like a table top computerized music maker. You move blocks around to compose anything from rock to Bach.

"You can change your whole composition anytime you want to by taking the blocks on or off of the table," said Freddy Atkins, Museum of Science & Industry.

" I like it better," said Stephen Newell, museum visitor.

All of the products or ideas are in the works. For instance, there's a wall of fog where images are projected for advertising. Another is the text a hug shirt, a shirt filled with sensors and other electronic gizmos that makes hugging at a distance possible. "If you're wearing a hug shirt you can give yourself a hug and your phone will process that information. The length of your hug, the pressure ... text it as a message to your friend and if they're wearing their hug shirt their shirt will give them a hug," said Kathleen McCarthy.

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