"We're going to debut a brand new paper next Monday, September 29th. I think readers will find a livelier more engaging paper in better tune with the way people live today," said Gerry Kern, senior vice president and editor,"Chicago Tribune.
Readers, of course, will recognize the new Chicago Tribune, but there are changes designed to inspire purchasing the paper and reading the ads. Ad revenues are down.
"That's right and I think all newspapers are facing that right now. So here's an opportunity to in the midst of that to reinvent and get better connected with the readers," said Kern.
In August the Tribune laid off 80 newsroom staffers because of tough financial times. Nationwide, newspaper revenue dropped almost eight-percent while online advertising went up 19-percent last year.
Since 1847, the Tribune has had countless different looks so changing the style really isn't anything new. It's just a new background for big headlines. Monday's Tribune came with several sections- front, metro, business, sports and Tempo. Next Monday's will be more compact.
"We're bringing together World and Nation and Metro and Business in one expanded A section. Organizing it into chapters," said Kern.
Live, the entertainment section, replaces Tempo. Of course, there will always be the thrill of victory and agony of defeat Chicago sports --and plenty of room for advertising.