Friends hold vigil for missing woman

Peterson's friends and family will hold a candlelight vigil tonight in Bolingbrook for the mother of two.

Peterson's husband, Drew, a former Bolingbrook police sergeant, is the sole suspect in Stacy's disappearance. He has not been charged and maintains his wife ran off with another man.

"It's no different than any other day you know. You would think time would heal all wounds but it's really not. So it's been sad from the beginning," said Drew Peterson.

Drew Peterson said he doesn't know what happened to Stacy.

"I really don't know. I really don't know. I hope someday she pops her head up and shows herself."

Following Stacy's disappearance, police reopened the mysterious bathtub drowning of Drew's third wife, Kathleen Savio. That death, which was originally ruled accidental, is now classified as a homicide.

Drew Peterson released this statement: "I have consistently and steadfastly maintained that I had nothing to do with Stacy's disappearance and the death of Kathy Savio, my third wife. I hope that Stacy returns home or reveals herself, and that I am one day cleared of any wrongdoing in both cases."

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