United, Continental, Delta, Air Tran and Jet Blue will reduce flights to Mexico.
Airlines have offered to changes travelers plans without fees. But some Chicagoans says some vacation companies have been slow to respond to travelers change request.
An escape from Chicago weather to sunny Mexico was what Brian Scott had planned.
Scott says he booked with Apple Vacations and made several attempts to change the trip. But he says they didn't what to change the trip initially.
"Here we are a week away from leaving got initial response and got an email from a guy, saying I should still be going," said Brian Scott, traveler.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommends that U.S. travelers avoid all non-essential travel to Mexico.
Candis Johnson has a guest voucher for a time share in Cabo San Lucas with RCI. She also says she spent several days trying to change locations but was told changes could only make changes for a fee.
"I talked to 10 or more reps no one could tell me anything the only i heard was you're gonna lose basically," said Candis Johnson, traveler.
Friday RCI released its new policy which will allows Johnson to make changes without a fee: "Group RCI will provide its members inbound to Mexico for RCI exchange travel within the next 14 days the full exchange value of their week back and fully credit their transaction fee for an exchange reconfirmed within the next six months."
Of course it's beyond their control as well they don't want to lose money but it's like, bend a little to accommodate the customers that pay into this timeshare," said
On Thursday Apple Vacations put this message on its Web site: "It's important to make an informed decision before changing your plans. As of today, there have been no official reports of H1N in any of the tourist areas in Mexico."
Scott says he was told he could make a change but he had to make the change today and that he'd have to pay extra for more expensive destinations.
"It was unprofessional, slow. They weren't looking out for my best interest, that's for sure," said Scott.
ABC7's attempts to reach Apple Vacations for comment were unsuccessful.
Travel agents recommend those trying to change travel offer to use the same vendor for a different destination instead of a full refund; and be patient as non-Mexican destinations are booking quickly.
However, there is not the same flexibility for those who want to change travel this summer to clarify Apple Vacations statement.
While there are no reports of H1N1 on Mexican resorts, there are reports of several Americans and Brits who contracted the virus after visiting Cancun.