State's attorney honors crime victims with families

November 21, 2009 (CHICAGO) State's Attorney Anita Alvarez comforted Rita Sallie during the ceremony. Sallie's 13-year-old daughter, Schanna Gayden, was shot and killed on a school playground in 2007.

Alvarez says she talked to several mothers who lost children before the event, and she was visibly moved by their stories.

"You have endured so much, and I know we can never bring your loved ones back. I know that, but I hope the assistants in my office serve you well, and I know the Victims Witness Office is there for you. And I feel for you as a mother of four children," Alvarez said.

Another event Saturday with an anti-violence focus took place in Chicago's Back of the Yards neighborhood. Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis attended the CAPS rally and listened to residents concerns.

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