Best in Dough submission: Chocolate Twigs

Recipe: Chocolate Twigs

1 Bag or Box of (brown) Chow Mein Noodles
1 12 oz. Bar of Ghiardelli chocolate or Nestle's Morsels

Step 1. Slowly melt chocolate in wide sauce pan on stovetop, or in microwave safe dish on low, in microwave.

Step 2. Add chow mein noodles and lightly stir until thoroughly coated.

Drop by tablespoon full onto waxed paper or non-stick surface until cool. For quick set, cool in fridge for 10 minutes.

Optional: While still moist, sprinkle with finely crushed nuts. OR when cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

This recipe is inexpensive, easy (even for kids to make), and requires no baking or special talents and looks, impressive.

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