Green Depot: Sustainable cleaning, building products

November 12, 2010 (CHICAGO)

Green Depot has been around for about five years now, but it's still something of a secret. It's a place where you can shop, build and live green.

Green Depot looks like any other building supply company, but everything in the Logan Square store and showroom is designed to be beneficial to the planet.

"We have a whole bunch of products ranging from renewable product to recycled products, nontoxic products to nontoxic products, energy-efficient products, products that once you're done with them have an actual life cycle to it," said Joe Silver, of Green Depot.

Think of it as one-stop shopping for items to make your home environmentally friendly. Silver gave ABC7 a tour of the 5,000 square-foot facility to show the kinds of things they carry.

"For instance this is bamboo plywood that we use for cabinetry and other furniture and stuff like that," said Silver. "Bamboo is very renewable."

Green Depot has an elaborate design center filled with sustainable products.

"Here you will find products that will go in your kitchen, bath, flooring, a lot of the interior finishes," he said.

Silver said the cost for all the environmentalism is about the same as other products and healthier for people.

Green Depot will soon move to a bigger facility. They hope to eventually have several stores in the Chicago area.

Green Depot
2500 N. Pulaski Rd.
Chicago, IL 60639

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