Regulators try to ban games at summer camps


There was so much criticism state officials say they've now yanked the new safety rules that would have labeled /*frisbee*/ and /*dodgeball*/ as too dangerous.

At the PAL tournament of champions, the focus is on activity, lots of it. But the /*state health department*/ had characterized basketball as risky, and not just basketball but also wiffle ball, capture the flag and even red rover. The players see it differently.

"It's all about having fun. They created all these games to have fun," said Elvin Rodriguez.

The health department, in regulating summer camps had come up with a list of risky activities. Summer programs that offered one of these risky activities were classified as summer camps and had to maki sure to have the necessary medical staff and first aid on hand.

But the list of "risky activities" drew criticism and today, the health department withdrew it. The department will publish a new, updated list in the near future.

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