Josh Elledge, the Chief Executive of Savings Angel, shows how easy it is to find the big bargains when it comes to buying back to school supplies.
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Josh's top tips: 1. START EARLY! Some of the best deals are offered early in the back-to-school season as a way of getting you to believe that they are the best place to shop - whether or not you actually make the purchases. These almost too good to be true deals are a great way of generating buzz - so that you'll eventually show up with your whole list.
2. SHOP AT MULTIPLE RETAILERS Most retailers will only offer a small handful of truly great deals each week. Don't feel obligated to buy more than what is on the "loss leader" list. These are the items offered far below retail prices as a way of attracting you into their store. Yes - it may take a little extra time and perhaps an extra dollar or two in gas - but you'll make $20-$30 an hour for your time.
3. DO YOUR SHOPPING AHEAD OF TIME Scan all the office store, drug store, grocery store, and big retailers' ads at home. Circle your favorite items and plan your trip. Alternately, use a price matching site like - where we display all the best deals from local retailers on one screen. A little planning will save you lots of time in the store and LOTS of money from your wallet.
4. BACK TO SCHOOL MEANS HUGE SAVINGS ON FOOD TOO. Not only are we buying cheap school supplies and kid-size jeans. We're loading up on food for school lunches, easy breakfast foods, and dinners that follow the school schedule. We've been tracking many high value coupons which have been flooding the market. Match those coupons with some incredible local sales and you can fill your pantry shelves for pennies on the dollar - saving yourself many hundreds of dollars in the months ahead.
5. BUY MORE THAN YOU NEED AND DONATE Every notebook, pen, bottle of glue, and box of crayons you buy for a quarter or nickel will find a good home. There are SO many opportunities to give to local backpack and school supply drives.