About 220 passengers and 12 crew members were on board the flight from Paris. They apparently didn't expect to get off the Boeing 767 by sliding down emergency chutes.
A bit of chaos was caught on a passenger's cellphone camera shortly after everyone had to evacuate American Airlines Flight No. 41. Four hours after it landed in Chicago, passengers finally were able to leave the terminal and see their families.
The flight was uneventful until it landed. Noah and Laura Boudreau were returning from their honeymoon.
"We hit the ground really, really hard, and then we pretty much slammed on the brakes and slid a bit," passenger Noah Boudreau said.
That's when passenger Adrian Daniels noticed something pretty scary out the window. He was sitting over the wing: "So I called the stewardess over -- I didn't want to start a panic -- so I signaled for her to come over, pointed out the window and said, 'There is a fire underneath the plane.'"
Daniels says the flight attendants immediately notified the pilot, and within seconds, took action. The emergency slides deployed and all 220 passengers were instructed to leave their luggage behind and evacuate the plane.
"Nobody panicked. We went down the slides. They evacuated the whole aircraft within 3 minutes," said passenger Anna Micheles.
Jane Doman, a mom with a baby and a toddler, made it out of the plane OK. She said toddler was more than happy to go down the emergency chute.
"It was actually funny for him," Doman said.