Runners prepare for warm Chicago Marathon weather

October 8, 2011 (CHICAGO)

Saturday morning, many runners were getting in their pre-race jogs, making ABC7 Chicago's Michelle Gallardo nervous! She was set to run in the marathon for the first time this year.

Approximately 45,000 runners from all 50 states and more than 100 countries were expected to take part in the 26.2-mile course. For the second year in a row, the forecast for weather was very warm. Ideal running conditions are actually in the 50s, but temperatures Sunday could reach the low 80s.

So, race organizers have been planning appropriately. They say they are adding more fluids and medical personnel to the course. They also say they are taking warnings seriously.

With long running distances, one of the bigger issues is over hydrating. So, it is going to be a balance that the athletes will have to maintain, as well as a being realistic and recognizing that Sunday, they're not likely to break any personal records.

"You just have to drink a lot of water along the race and stay focused. As long as you stop every time they have water, you will be fine," said runner Shannon Bridges.

"Don't over drink the water. Try to drink some of the Gatorade because that can be an issue, too. Just try to get the top of yourself wet with the sprayers, but not your shoes. Just go under the sprayers. There were a lot of people on the course that were not necessarily from the marathon last year that had sprayers in their neighborhood that were just spraying you. That helped a lot," runner Judy Reichling said.

Those participating in Sunday's marathon are reminded that not stopping at a water station, is not likely to mean a better finish time. Experts advise all runners to stop for fluids for necessary and listen to their bodies.

For those who are not running but we will be coming out to watch along the router, parking bans will be in effect by 1 a.m. Sunday and streets will close from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., or until the last runner finishes.

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