Prom invite sends senior to ER

May 3, 2012 (CHICAGO)

It was a public proposal that has gone viral with an online photo gallery netting more than one million views in just 18 hours. Right there, in front of the school, a senior boy parked a big, red, double-decker bus outside with a sign that read "Tess Prom?" and waited for his girlfriend after class. Curious students gathered and waited, watching for Tess to come out.

She finally did.

"She was reluctant to come aboard," writes the senior in his online photo gallery. But, with a little prompting, and a rousing rendition of the song "Danke Schoen," Tess got onboard.

"SHE SAID YES!" he writes.

The couple poses for a cute photo together on top the double-decker, and then it drives off into happily ever after. Or that was the plan.

The final photo shows the senior with bruises and scratches on his face and neck. "... on the way home I stood up and proceeded to be smacked by a tree," the senior writes. "I spent 2 hours in the ER getting my neck glued together."

The moral of the story? "Don't stand up on buses ," writes the student, who warns "Asking girls to Prom is dangerous."

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