Body of sailor killed in Colo. shooting returns home

July 26, 2012 (CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill.)

With the family insisting on privacy for the entire process, the transfer of Officer Larimer's body happened behind the closed doors of United Airlines cargo hangar.

The Warrior Watch rides were out in force to escort his body home.

"To be killed going to the show is unfathomable for people," said Fred Vukadonovic, Llinois Old Guard.

Many of the riders sought to shield the family and let them know they are not alone in their grief.

"I'm here as a military mom. I have a son that serves this country. I have a friend who lost their son in Afghanistan in 2009. I understand the importance of holding the hand of a parent who has lost their child," said Deb Pyznarski.

Then the procession began, with a hearse and family members accompanied by several local and state police force members as they brought Larimer's body home.

At the Davenport funeral home in Crystal lake, neighbors and strangers gathered all afternoon to with singular devotion.

"It was touching to me that a person so close to where we live was a victim in that horrible situation," said Martin Zwart.

"It just breaks my heart to think of what the parents are going through, and I can relate," said Barbara Kearns.

Those were sentiments the Knack family could agree with.

"Out of respect for the family and the fact that he was serving our country, which is very honorable," said Michelle Knack.

Her son is set to attend the high school where Officer Larimer's mother works at as a nurse.

"He serves our country , he deserves to have everyone here," said Elliot Knack, son.

Larimer's body will lie in state from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. for visitation on Friday. After that there will be a private funeral and a burial.

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