Election Apps

November 1, 2012

Settle It! PoliFact's Argument Finder (iPhone, iPod touch, Android free)
-New app from The Poynter Institute/Knight Foundation. Determines the accuracy of statements made by candidates/commercials/noted officials and labels them True, Kind of True, False, Pants on Fire. This app quizzes users on recent statements and determines if they are "interns" or "wonks". Great app to have in a pinch to settle a cocktail party debate.

SuperPACApp (iPhone, iPod touch free)
-Find out which organizations are behind the television advertisements that you see on TV, how much money they raised, how much money they have in the bank, and if the claims on the commercials are true. The app uses Shazam-like voice-recognition technology to identify the ads you are watching just by launching the app and tapping an icon.

Congress+ (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad $4.99)
Learn the bio, voting record, financiers, and legislative activity of every member of the Senate or House of Representatives. Also access contact information for all members and staff, as well as a directory of social media presence including Facebook pages, Twitter handle and YouTube Channel.
(Separate and similar title for Android)

Polltracker (iPhone, iPod touch free)
Developed by Talking Points Memo, aggregates poll data for presidential and key congressional races. Presidential polls showcase the swing states. Also includes news and analysis.

More apps at appolicious.com

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