Vote 2012: Dold, Schneider battling for north shore's 10th District

November 3, 2012

In the north shore's 10th District, Republican Robert Dold is defending a seat the Democrats want badly for their man, Brad Schneider.

Locked in a tight race in his bid for a second term, the north suburban Republican Congressman says he's going non-stop through Election Day, hoping to reach as many voters as possible.

"It's about jobs and the economy, working together, trying to focus on common ground to really tackle some of the big issues we face," Dold said.

Democratic challenger Brad Schneider is a political newcomer, but his volunteers are reaching out to thousands of voters in the district as the race comes to an end.

"It's showing it really close, the last poll we saw a couple of weeks ago had us up by a point. I knew getting into it 18 months ago it would be a close race, it's exactly where we thought we'd be," Schneider said.

The race is attracting national interest as both parties want the seat and are pouring millions of dollars into television advertising. Republicans want to hold onto control, Democrats believe Dold is vulnerable.

"This is probably the most Democratic seat in the country that's held by a Republican so they're hoping to take that seat back," said ABC7 political analyst Laura Washington.

The two candidates have markedly different positions from abortion to the economy, offering voters a clear choice. Some of those voters will be different however in this election than when Dold won the seat two years ago.

This is the first general election since the boundaries of the 10th District were redrawn.

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