Washington butcher feeds marijuana to pigs

May 22, 2013 (SEATTLE)

Deep inside the meat locker at the oldest butcher in Pike Place Market, there's a new meat high on the hooks.

"We made bacon out of them," said BB Ranch proprietor and butcher William Von Schneidau.

You might call it "smoked" bacon since this porker was fed pot.

"Here in the butcher shop we're able to make anything you can imagine," said Von Schneidau. "Somebody requests something, and we make it, and make some extra of it and see if people like it."

Von Schneidau has been experimenting with meat for a while now, but can't remember how he came up with the idea to make "stoned swine."

"I don't smoke, but I guess it's foggy," Von Schneidau said. "I'm just joking."

He took the leftovers from a medical marijuana grower, had it fed to pigs, and soon they were here in his shop, bringing a whole new meaning to the idea of the "pot-bellied porker."

"It just got so popular we ran out of meat," said Von Schneidau.

A popular run in March put the "pot pigs" on the map.

Von Schneidau plans to experiment more in the coming months.

"I ate it and I don't feel a damn difference," said Von Schneidau. "We haven't fed them any sour pickles yet, but we'll see what happens."

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