Blackhawks fans finding creative ways to support team in NHL playoffs

June 11, 2013 (CHICAGO)

Some have even raised their efforts to an art form as they follow the Hawks' quest for the Stanley Cup.

It's an unmistakable sign of Blackhawks pride: father and son painters Ches and Alex Perry started on this mural Tuesday morning.

When it's done, it'll read "Go Blackhawks" and "We want the cup," but not for long.

"When they win the Stanley Cup, we hope that we can change the message up there to say "congratulations 2013 Stanley Cup winners," said Alex Perry, Right Way Signs.

At the Greater Chicago Food Depository, there's added reason to cheer on the Blackhawks thanks to a friendly wager between Governor Quinn and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

The governor of the losing team will volunteer at the other's food bank of choice, meaning Governor Patrick will be shoulder to shoulder with these volunteers soon.

ABC7's Eric Horng asks: "Do you have some clam chowder here to make him feel at home?"

"I think we can absolutely find some canned goods, some clam chowder, that will make him feel comfortable as he rolls up his sleeves and helps feed Chicago's hungry," said Kate Maehr, executive director, Greater Chicago Food Depository.

It all comes at a critical time for hungry families.

"Summer can be a really difficult time for families in particular. When school lets out, children often don't have access to that breakfast or lunch that they get during the school year. So it really puts additional pressure on families," said Maehr.

Also in a betting mood is Bruins fan Stephen Hill.

"Well, we can make a little wager right now if you'd like," said Hill.

The Boston native owns Brendan's pub on the North Side, and is a self-proclaimed Bruins' bar.

There's Boston sports memorabilia all over the walls and for each Bruins game, they put this replica Stanley Cup on Hill's car in front of the bar.

ABC7's Eric Horng asks: "How does this car still have wheels on it?"

"Well, so far so good. We'll have a 24 hour watch after every game, I guess," said Hill.

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