Children touched by violence promote gun safety

July 10, 2013 (CHICAGO)

Students across the country and here in Chicago are focused on promoting common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.

More than 60 children from the ages of 5 to 12 years of age at the Trinity United Church of Christ Freedom School speak out against violence.

The children of the school created Wednesday's program. Samuel Garner, 10, says a lot of people are dying these days because of gun violence and that is affecting him.

"I fear death, I cannot go to sleep at night because I am afraid not to wake up in the morning, so I really hope we can stop this," said Garner.

"I went to our national training for this program and when I told them I was from Chicago, the first thing they said was Chi-raq. Chi-raq, meaning we are in a war zone, and we need to do something about the war," said Minister Jasmin Taylor, Trinity United Church of Christ Freedom School.

Eleven-year-old Winston Hill was watching the news late at night when he learned that his cousin had been killed in Indiana.

"I found out my cousin was shot in the leg and the bullet traveled to her heart and she died. I was really sad she was one of the best cousins i had and i will never get to see her alive and she had a lot of dreams," said Hill.

"My cousin CJ was a victim of gun violence," said Angel Johnson, as she broke down in tears.

The children talk about the hopes and dreams that they have, and how they want to live. They are learning how to use their voices to speak out against things that are unjust.

"It really bothers me because I do not want that to happen to me. I want to live my life and dreams," said Janae Hammond, student.

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