Child Identity Theft: What Every Parent Needs to Know
August 5, 2013
Teach Your Children Well! Educate your children on the risks of giving personal information to anyone.
Do Not Share! Do not put your child's social security number (SSN) on school, medical, insurance, and other forms.
Keep it Safe at Home! Don't have your child's birthdate or SSN in your wallet or purse or at work.
Don't Reveal Personal Information on Social Media. Tell your children not to place their birthdate or address on social networking sites.
Be Wary of Scams. Warn your children about offers they receive by phone, mail or email that could be scams.
Get on the Do Not Call List. Register all your phone numbers on or call 888-382-1222.
Question Authority! Ask your children's teachers or school administrators what they do to safeguard student records.
Watch Your Money! Always deposit bill payments and other mail in a locked mailbox or at the post office.
Keep It With You or Lock It Up! When traveling with your laptop and similar devices, keep them with you or locked in a hotel safe.
Shred It! Use a cross-cutting paper shredder for all old documents containing sensitive information.
Keep Documents Secure! Keep birth certificates, passports, school diplomas, banking information, and other important documents