Chicago weather: Bitter cold expected to last through the weekend

December 6, 2013 (CHICAGO)

It's starting to feel a lot like the holidays in Chicago, and all across the area. One of the better ways to keep warm in this cold is to move around and generate body heat. That's what they are doing in Hinsdale Friday at the Christmas walk.

The event attracts families who want to enjoy some holiday cheer, though most are bundled up in several layers. For vendors, it's more of a challenge. They get to stand at booths for several hours.

In the Pilsen neighborhood, they are celebrating Christmas with a tree lighting ceremony, live music and plenty of culture.

And on the North Side, it's the annual Holiday Stroll on Southport. The cold is keeping some away, but those who are here are rewarded with the chance to meet Santa.

From downtown to the suburbs people are bundling up and finding ways to stay warm.

"My mom went shopping (Thursday) night to get us gloves and hats and stuff, so we're ready for this weather," said Lonnie Buchanan.

But it's still not cold enough outside for Kurt Koesser to put away the shorts.

"Anything below zero, I think that's when I'll start pulling out the jeans," he said.

With the temperature outside feeling like it's in the teens, it's a good reminder to prepare for chilly conditions.

"Usually the human body does well at acclimating to changes in temperature, but it does better when it can acclimate over time, so when you have sudden changes in temperature, you may not be as used to it," said Dr. Dino Rumoro, Rush University Medical Center.

The best advice from the experts is to layer up, make sure you have on warm, breathable clothing, and cover your head and hands.

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