Power couple breaks up on 'Bachelor in Paradise'

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

NEW YORK -- This is the last week of "Bachelor in Paradise"! It was a fast six weeks and many relationships have grown, changed, and unfortunately ended for some. We picked back up with Ashley I. taking Jared on her fantasy suite date. Ashley is hoping that at the end of the night she won't be a virgin anymore. They had a great time sharing some drinks together and then Ashley whipped out the fantasy suite card. Jared quickly took Ashley up on her offer and she headed into the room with him.

Juelia says that she is happy with Mikey, but Mikey tells the guys that he only thinks of Juelia as a friend. He thinks she is really sweet, but doesn't see anything long-term with her. He pulls her aside to talk and tells her how he his feeling and it was a little brutal when he told her he was "forcing it" because she is so nice. Juelia started crying and even Mikey started to tear up about everything. I don't think Mikey is ready to be a stepfather just yet either. Juelia told everyone that she was leaving immediately and all of the ladies felt so bad for her. You can't fault Mikey for being honest.

Jaclyn was freaking out over the fact that she has a date card and she has no clue whom to give it to. She wanted to give it to Jared but he was off on a date with Ashley, so ultimately she decided to ask Justin out. He said yes right away. Justin also lives near where Jaclyn does so there could be some potential there. Just then, Cassandra walked in. She's a single mother from Juan Pablo's season. Cassandra read her date card to the group and then went off to talk with the girls to figure out who is dating whom. She came in wanting to date Justin, but Jaclyn had just asked him out! She asked Justin and he said yes, but he told her he needed to go tell Jaclyn that he couldn't go on her date. The guys couldn't believe how many dates this guy was getting asked out on! Jaclyn did not take it well and then put down single parents. She said, "Sorry, I didn't get knocked up when I was 19." I'm sure twitter will explode over this one!

Jared and Ashley I. returned from their overnight date. Jared told everyone that they had a great time at the hotel and didn't reveal any other details. The group looked on and was hoping to find out some details, but they didn't say anything other than that they had fun.

Nick decided to approach Jaclyn for her date card. He won Bachelor Pad 3 and kept all the money for himself and didn't take Jaclyn into the finale so he's not sure if it's even possible. She asked him for $250,000 for the date card! It was so funny because if you are fan, you know that's how much he won on Bachelor Pad! She said that he has to role around in the sand and pretend to be on a Victoria's Secret photo shoot to get the card! She said she loved embarrassing him a little bit, but did fork over the date card to him.

Justin and Cassandra went on their date, which began with horseback riding on the beach, which apparently you need to take off your shirt for and ride in a bikini top. After riding, they talked about the arrangements they have with their children. Cassandra was happy to be on a date with someone who could understand parenting. They sat down on the beach and did some kissing!

Nick asked Samantha out on the date that he worked hard to get from Jaclyn, and she said yes. Jade and Carly were upset that she was going to get another amazing date when she was so awful to Juelia and Joe.

Ashley I. says that she's in love with Jared, but he doesn't feel like their relationship is going anywhere. He says he's not in a place where he wants to explore their relationship after the show. He also said that "nothing" happened in the fantasy suite. He told her that he wants to go home right away because it's "not OK" for him to stay there. Ashley burst into tears and he apologized that he hurt her and said that he really did want there to be something, but it just wasn't there for him. I felt like the guys were practically congratulating him on his way out. He was finally rid of Ashley I. She did some very sloppy, messy crying and said goodbye to him in a surprisingly very gracious way. I hope she can meet a nice guy who falls in love with her who can handle all of her emotions!

Nick and Samantha went off on their nighttime date. They walked into a hotel where a famous Mexico City chef had flown in to make a special dinner for them. He said that he was thrilled that things didn't work out between her and Joe. They seemed to have a very mundane conversation, mostly about the food. Back at "paradise" Tenley filled Jaclyn in on what had happened between Joe and Samantha. Samantha apparently had told Amber that she wanted a chance to get to know Nick and Mikey. Mikey was shocked to hear that! Back on the date, Samantha kissed her way into asking Nick directly for his rose. She really is a master manipulator!

Carly and Kirk were outside and talking on a rock by the water and she revealed that he is her "person" that she could see herself with forever. Inside, Amber said that if any guys have any feelings for anyone, there are a lot of single girls, so they should just tell them at the cocktail party that they are interested. Chris Harrison showed up and told everyone that there would not be a cocktail party. That threw everyone for a loop! Ashley I. spoke up and said that she's leaving paradise because she isn't going to find love there, but she said she "grew up" with this experience.

There are seven guys and 11 girls, so at least four women will be going home. Kirk was up first and he gave his rose to Carly, no surprise. Tanner gave his rose to Jade, Nick chose Samantha, Joshua gave his rose to Tenley, Justin called up Cassandra and Dan was disappointed because he liked her (but what about Samantha, wasn't he into her too?) Dan gave a big speech and then decided to leave the show because he didn't find love. Mikey was last up and decided to offer Mackenzie a rose and she said that she's really flattered but she feels that it's best for her to go home. Mikey says then that he can't give out his rose either, and walks away and goes home. Ashley S., Chelsie, Amber, and Jaclyn left too. Then Carly started singing a little tune as Kirk sipped on champagne and had a less than happy look on his face.

The following day, Kirk said it was weird because there are just a few of them left and things are getting very serious. Tanner on the other hand, loves that they have some more space and time to themselves. Chris Harrison showed up and told them that there would be no more new arrivals and wants them to try to figure out if their love can grow and continue beyond the show. He also gave them one-on-one dates with fantasy suites. All of the ladies sat around and talked about how some of them are worried about the fantasy suite because some of the relationships are very new still. Kirk told the guys that he's going to have a hard conversation with Carly because he's had doubts for the past week and he can't do it to her anymore. He admits to the guys that he's been going through the motions. Carly meantime thinks that he's on the edge of saying "I love you". This is going to be terrible. He confided to the guys that she was talking to him the night before about having his kids and he is nowhere close to being in that place. Kirk said that there is nothing Carly could say to change his mind.

Kirk showed up to talk to Carly and she even joked, "Are you breaking up with me?" and he shushed her kind of playfully. He started with, "I have a conversation that needs to be had." He added that it was the best five weeks and it was because of her. Her face changed and she realized how serious this talk was. He said that talk of going to her brother's reception, Carly moving to where he lives, it has all made him take a hard look at everything. He said, "I think I'm a little behind. I'm afraid I'm a lot behind." He choked back tears as he told her this, as she turned her head to look away and gather herself. He said before they go home, he still has more that they could talk about and she said, no. He told her that he cares about her more than anyone in a long time, but when they were talking about what was next, it was too much for him. She said that she didn't want to have this conversation and just wanted to go home. She added that she felt tricked and she was very upset that he felt like this for at least a week. She started crying and he tried to hold her there but she said, "Don't touch me, and leave me alone." Jade and the other girls rushed to her and held her as she cried. It was so sad! Kirk stood at the stairs to the ladies room and looked on. He obviously cares about her but I guess the spark needed for a romantic relationship was missing. Or, maybe he's just too afraid of how fast things went and the thought of a long-term commitment is too scary for him.

Kirk said to the guys that it was the worst breakup he ever had. He said that he wanted to talk to her more but she was too angry. Tanner said that he didn't agree with how Kirk waited until the 11th hour to break up with her. Carly told the ladies that she hates Kirk and she couldn't even breathe without crying. The other girls cried too because they felt so awful for her. Tenley was upset that he had been feeling that way for a week and didn't say anything. Kirk tried to go in to talk to her and she told him to go away again. He told her that she "deserves" a conversation. She told him that she can't look at him because she doesn't see anything anymore. I am wondering what else there is for him to say? She told him that HE doesn't deserve a conversation. She says she knows that he stopped having feelings and she doesn't need to hear it again. She even told him that he broke her heart and she doesn't want anything to do with him ever again. Kirk needs to give her some space! She just found out about this! Give her some time to process this! She thought she could marry him and then it turns out she was getting dumped!

In the car ride home, Kirk said, "that went terribly" and he cried because everyone thinks he's the worst person in the world and he can't help how he feels. He said that "She's going to be so scarred, it kills me." Poor Carly said that she had never been that happy before and she felt like it was stolen from her. I think that was the most heartbreaking breakup in "Bachelor" history. Just watching this made me feel like Kirk dumped me too! Fear not Bachelor Nation! One of the couples will get engaged tomorrow and we will all feel better... thank goodness.

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