Huntley High School wins ABC7's Friday Flyover!

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Friday, November 4, 2016
Huntley High School wins Friday Flyover
Huntley High School wins ABC7's Friday Flyover

It's high school football playoff time, which means it's also the return of the Friday Flyover Vote on ABC7 Eyewitness News.

For nearly two months, before the weekend's big high school football matchups, ABC7 broadcast live from a local high school along with Chopper 7 HD. Take a look back at these displays from our fabulous schools!

Thanks to all who voted! The vote is now closed. Congratulations to this year's winner, Huntley High School!

What does the winner get? A trophy! That's right - an actual trophy, provided by B. Gunther & Company, Inc., 4742 Main Street, in Lisle.

PHOTOS: Friday Flyover Competition

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Oswego East High School

Oak Forest High School

Maine West High School

Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School

Huntley High School

Elk Grove High Shcool

St. Ignatius College Prep

Thanks again to our trophy provider:

B. Gunther & Company, Inc.

4742 Main Street

Lisle, Illinois 60532


If you want us to come to your school for a Friday Flyover next year, go to our ABC 7 Chicago Facebook page and let us know or use #FridayFlyover on Twitter.

2015's winner Plainfield South High School

2014's winner Joliet Central High School

2013's winner, Joliet West High School

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