How to prepare your dating profile for the busiest online dating days of the year

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Monday, January 8, 2024
Tips for the busiest online dating days of the year
Dating expert Bela Gandhi is giving tips for a successful profile during the busiest online dating days of the year.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Sunday is being called the "Super Bowl of swiping," as it was reported to be the busiest online dating day of the year. Next Sunday is expected to be just as busy.

Dating expert Bela Gandhi joined ABC7 Chicago Monday to talk about why and to give some tips about what makes a good online dating profile.

"Sundays are always the busiest day of online dating. And this was the Sunday after New Year's resolutions, so yesterday was crazy. Next Sunday people are still in resolutions mode, so that's why it's going to be the second busiest day. This is the best time of year to get online and date!" Gandhi said.

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Here are her top four tips:

1. Have a fluid strategy: Pick one to two apps to be on. Spend 30 days on each app.

2. It is essential to have five to six great photos that are headshots and full body shots.

3. Give people facts to start conversations with: Instead of saying, "I'm an accountant," say "I'm an accountant by day, acoustic guitarist by night, and I can tell you where to find the best cookies in every Chicago neighborhood."

4. Use video.

For more information, follow Gandhi on Instagram at @smartdatingacademy, or listen to over 100 episodes on her "Smart Dating Academy" podcast.

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