Great Lakes Piping Plover couple has another egg after 4 eaten by skunk at Chicago Montrose Beach

Chicago Park District installed new stronger enclosure for endangered birds

ByABC 7 Chicago Digital Team, WLS
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Chicago Piping Plovers have another chance at being parents
After tragedy struck last week, Chicago's Piping Plover couple have another chance at becoming parents.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The rare Piping Plovers nesting on Montrose Beach are getting a second chance to become parents this year.

"Rose and Monty" lost their eggs just days ago to a skunk that managed to get into their protected area.

RELATED: Rare Montrose Beach piping plovers to be 'grandplovers' as chick Nish finds mate, nests in Ohio

But they've built another nest, and Rose laid a new egg, wildlife experts said Thursday.

The Illinois DNR, Chicago Park District, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and USDA helped install a new, stronger enclosure around the new nest to keep it safe.

RELATED: Rare Montrose Beach piping plovers' eggs eaten by skunk

The Great Lakes Piping Plover population, once down to less than twenty pairs, has rebounded, thanks to recovery efforts, to around 70 breeding pairs, the Chicago Park District said.

More information about the Great Lakes Piping Plover recovery effort is available at

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