Shedd Aquarium's newest sea otter pup doing well, learning new skills

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Friday, January 26, 2024
Shedd's newest sea otter pup doing well, learning new skills
The newest sea otter pup that arrived at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium in November is doing well in his new home.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The newest sea otter pup that arrived at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium in November is doing well in his new home.

The pup, who was rescued in late October 2023 by the Alaska Sea Life Center and who arrived at the Shedd on November 29, has round-the-clock care from the aquarium staff behind the scenes.

He arrived at the Shedd weighing around 10 lbs., and now weighs 14, officials said. They also said he's making great progress with new skills, like learning to groom himself, and is now eating capelin, a small fish in the smelt family.

Sea otter pups require intensive care in the first year of their lives. This pup has not yet been named, known for now as Pup EL2306, and has not yet been introduced to the sea otter

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