Downloading new apps? Beware of giving away access to your information

ByJason Knowles and Ann Pistone WLS logo
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Beware of giving away access to information when downloading new apps
You could be giving away access to your location, photos, microphone data and other personal information. Do you really read those consent forms when you download Apps? Consumer In

Most people would agree that security and privacy are top of mind, but are you reading consent forms when downloading new apps?

Most people may breeze right through them but when you consent, you could be giving up access to a ton of personal information, like your photos, bank account information, microphone data and location. recently found the vast majority of people do not read the forms.

In its survey, the group found that 98% of people agreed to a "fake consent form" which gave away the naming rights of their firstborn child! said that survey of a 1,000 people proves that Americans get an "F" when it comes to digital privacy knowledge.

So don't' forget to take a minute to read those agreements!