Best of the Blago media blitz

January 28, 2009 Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich is back from his media tour. But he is not done talking. Governor Blagojevich still had the stamina Tuesday night to offer local reporters one more soundbite.

"Richard Nixon, in Watergate, fought tooth and nail to keep those tapes from being heard because he knew there was something wrong on there," Blagojevich said. "I want every one of those tapes in the impeachment trial and every witness called in so they can testify under oath, tell the truth and begin the process of showing that I did nothing wrong."

The governor managed to escape from New York without any serious slipups and without offering any real context as to the conversations captured on federal wiretaps.

ABC7 put together what you might call the best of Blagojevich.

"I think the fix is in the state senate unless they change their rules and give me a chance to defend myself," he told CNN.

"Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence? I said I did nothing wrong. Give me a chance to show it," he also told CNN.

"I have never, ever, ever gotten involved in any activity about selling a U.S. Senate seat," he told Fox News.

"I suspect some of those expletives were humorous, making a point in a humorous way. I suspect some of them were out of anger," Blagojevich said in another TV interview.

"You have to judge somebody, again, by the full context and by the action," he told ABC's Nightline.

"He does a fabulous Nixon impression," The View's Joy Behar said.

"How do you know that?" Blagojevich asked.

"Somebody told me. Come on, just say, 'I am not a crook.' Do it," Behar prodded as Blagojevich laughed.

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